XIA Multi Theme
XIAMultiTheme is new concept to design GUI for PDA, it's goal is to help developers to build easy and eye candy graphical interfaces.
How XIAMultiTheme features:
- Opensource!!! Yes it's GPLv3 based
- Plugin based
- Fast low level GDI drawing engine
- Themes scheme are XML based very similar to rlToday XML standard, so you can reuse your themes
- Support for reuse of your theme scheme for Today application or popup and also like old style gui
- Themes can be inject into frames or XIAMultiTheme themes too
- Users can continue design new amazing themes like rlToday and invoke XIAMultiTheme as launcher
- Developers can write own sensors, or plugin
Current Status:
Binaries are avaiable for ALPHA stage testing: we mean for ALPHA the API can change every time until beta!Thank you all! the first public release: 0.7 has being downloaded 3000 times!
I would say thank to Chris who has done a beatyfull Manila theme!