iTunesXIAProjectsHelper is a simply tool OpenSource which will help you doing some useful action with iTunes for MS Windows, look on downloads for updates
Update your libray Artist stripping "the"
This function will strip "the" and "dj" from artist and fix Uppercase-Lowercase, for example:
tHe BEACH boYs -> Beach Boys
dj. AlexiA -> Alexia
DJ Tommie vee -> Tommie Vee
Import Rating from other Library.xml
If you are sharing your storage mp3 from other Operative System, Friends, or simply you had moved all files you need to re add your mp3
to your iTunes library, this function will help you recover from older xml file ratings, match will be done on song name, if you have duplicates like "track 1"
do not expect this will work for you.
Usage: run from command line and read supported switches, feel free to ask more.