iPhone Tutorials

iPhone Tutorials

  1. I've upgraded my iPhone (or iPod) firmware to 3.0, now Xcode does not upload my application saying: The Developer Disk Image could not be mounted. Xcode could not find an appropriate Developer Disk Image to mount on iPhone. Please contact Apple for the 3.0 (7A341) device support package. How to enable Xcode with 2.2.1 firmware SDK using firmware 3.0 device?
  2. Does XIAProjects's Engine support native iPhone Safari browsing?
  3. How to enable video output on iPhone 3G (s) with a ebay cable?

1) I've upgraded my iPhone (or iPod) firmware to 3.0, now Xcode does not upload my application saying: The Developer Disk Image could not be mounted. Xcode could not find an appropriate Developer Disk Image to mount on iPhone. Please contact Apple for the 3.0 (7A341) device support package. How to enable Xcode with 2.2.1 firmware SDK using firmware 3.0 device?
X:DeviceSupport stefano$ pwd
X:DeviceSupport stefano$ ls -lah
total 32
drwxrwxr-x  10 root  admin   340B 21 Giu 14:15 .
drwxrwxr-x   6 root  admin   204B 16 Giu 13:12 ..
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin    11B 14 Giu 14:38 2.0 (5A345) -> 2.0 (5A347)
drwxrwxr-x   5 root  admin   170B 14 Giu 14:38 2.0 (5A347)
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin    11B 14 Giu 14:38 2.0.1 (5B108) -> 2.0 (5A347)
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin    11B 14 Giu 14:38 2.0.2 (5C1) -> 2.0 (5A347)
drwxrwxr-x   5 root  admin   170B 14 Giu 14:38 2.1
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin     3B 14 Giu 14:38 2.1.1 -> 2.1
drwxrwxr-x   5 root  admin   170B 14 Giu 14:38 2.2
drwxrwxr-x   5 root  admin   170B 14 Giu 14:38 2.2.1

Now create symbolic links to match the 3.0 firmware using existent 2.x.x SDK: for example a iPhone 2G will have:
ln -s 2.2.1 "3.0 (7A341)"
ln -s 2.2.1 "3.0"
Restart Xcode Organizer and run your 2.x.x compiled project to your 3.0 device!

2) Does XIAProjects's Engine support native iPhone Safari browsing?
Yes, upgrade your PHP engine with 2.x version.

3) How to enable video output on iPhone 3G (s) with a ebay cable?
Since firmware 2.x iPhone need to authenticate the cable, so you need to buy a Apple.com cable until you can find some ebay shops who sell cable + emulation chip! WRONG! This worked until you upgrade to 3.0 firmware!
Since 3.0 and 3.0.1 firmware upgrade for your iPhone 3Gs there is an italian case of study: (I'm italian too)
The way to patch is quite clear, but where and how much time is the question :)
Some other guy used the same idea to patch the iapd binary:
So we can try these iapd patched binaries...
Fix Model Firmware Url md5
Cable charge TESTED and WORKING on iPhone 3GS 3.0 and 3.0.1 http://www.hackint0sh.org/428836-post43.htm d0ff9333a6719143b837fc70c2f6788d
Video output TESTED and WORKING on iPhone 3GS 3.0 and 3.0.1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/21utmp ec46b908a970bbd5377f492edc5a5ab7
Video output TESTED and WORKING on iPhone 3G 3.0 http://iszene.com/thread-33166.html
Remember to chmod and reboot your device!
If you can test and report feedback I will upgrade this chart, also keep look at your cable: you need the chip cable, no only wires!
